Saturday, July 22, 2006

#15 - Nicky Hilton
Nicky > Paris. Fact. Then again, Paris is a bit of a skank. Enough about her, let's discuss Nicky (her real name is Nocholai you know...).

Now to say I didn't read with interest, when I was a tad greener, that there were 2 young female heirs to the Hilton throne would be a major lie. I think the Herald-Sun, News Pictorial, ran a story when I was about 16 mentioning the 2. Nicky would have been about 15 then, and I was a fan instantly. And my, hasn't she grown.

Funnily enough, like Sophia who precedes her, Nicky has been married which drops her down the list somewhat. Take nothing away, Nicky is a high quality girl with whom I could defintely spend some quality time.

She has everything you need in a girl. Her great looks, her gorgeous smile and of course, squillions of $$$. Hell, I'd tap Paris for a piece of that.

So there you go my friends, #15 is Miss Nicky Hilton.

Get amongst it!

Next: Once a pup selling cookies, her stOCks rise again.


Blogger Andrew Cunningham said...

I would do jump her... oh, and Paris.

1:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.

1:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

7:34 PM  

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