Wednesday, July 26, 2006

#11 - Erin McNaught/Jennifer Hawkins
Both potential top ten girls, but I couldn't split them. So what is a guy to do? Combine them into one, called the "Miss Universe Category" and plonk them just outside the Top Ten. I'm clever!

Erin. My Fucking GOD! You are so goddam hot. I mean, you are stunning. You've got this fit, banging body, and a gorgeous head. Just one, slight, tiny problem... Where are your tits? I can't see them. I watched the Great Outdoors, and... nope, nothing there. I have severe issues with this fact.

Normally I'm not a fan of massive tits, but I do like at least a handful. You've got less than that. This needs to be rectified. Other than that... you're grouse. Keep it up!

Jen. You would've been number 1 two years ago. But since then, you've started going out with a cock head, and well... you're pretty fucking stupid. I must admit, the ratings boom that the Great Outdoors has received is entirely your doing. I must commend you on that. But a little edumacation wouldn't go astray, and just because you are blonde doesn't mean you have to act it. I'd still tap you though.

Damien Peverill is the Essendon Sex God, and these two are Sex Godesses in their own right. I'd tap them both, but prefer them both at once.

Joint Miss Universe winners.... Jen and Erin.

Next: Leon doesn't like it if you don't water the plant.


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