Saturday, August 26, 2006

Marrying Rich
It's become increasingly apparent, particularly over the last week, that I really don't enjoy a part of life called "work". I cannot pinpoint the exact reason for my dislike of having a job, but I can narrow it down to few things.

Employees - I have a fair sized team, that requires a specific technical skillset. When people say they have certain skills, you'd expect them to actually be able to demonstrate them at some stage. You'd also assume that when you do show them the process to do a basic task, they will retain that information, and not fuck it up at any given opportunity. Hmmm, never assume.

Cuntstomers - You will never find a more despised group of people. I have 2 contracts that I manage, and one of them is brilliant. The other, to put it simply, are a pack of useless fucks. Never before have I seen a company that thinks the sun shines so fucking squarely out of their arses in my life. To make it worse, they are worth more to my company than the majority of our clients. FUCK.

Peers - Ok. I consider myself to be pretty good at my job. Fuck it, I'm great at what I do. There are 2 others that do my job for other clients, and only one of those is any fucking good. The shit one, let's call her... S, has double the staff, half the workload and none of the ability of my good self. She is a useless fucking whore, who bitches and moans about FUCKING EVERYTHING. She also knocks off work at 4pm every day, much to my disgust.

Anyway, I've gone off track a little. It's because of the above reasons I've decided to marry rich. Not a person named Rich, a female who has a plethora of wealth. I like money. I also like spending money. I like women too, so really, it makes perfect sense!

I've narrowed it down to a few candidates;

Paris or Nicky Hilton - I'm not fussed. They're both worth a few mill each, so it's a matter of first come, first served. At least with Paris I'm guaranteed a fair dose of sex. Or is she celibate now? Might have to watch that video again...

Anna Anisimova - Ok, she's not the hottest chick on the planet, but she is Russian. She is worth at least a couple of hundred mill, and has a $15m place in Manhattan. I could live with that. (look her up, not much chop).

Georgina Bloomberg - Actually, no. Not even for all of Bloombergs money. (I'm not sure which one is Georgina).Ashlee Simpson - She'd have a bit of cash, albeit lacks any talent. The fact she's had a nose and chin job (losing the dickrest) makes her even hotter than before. She's winning at the minute. (I can't find a good pic).

Amanda Hearst - Heir to the Hearst publishing throne in the US (Harper's Bazaar etc), and model for the Ford agency. Amanda stands to inherit a cool $7.5 Billion, on top of what she earns modelling. I think we have a winner.
So it appears my trip to the USA may have another motive next year. Find Miss Hearst and marry her.

Next: Whatever comes into my mind.


Blogger bdodgey said...

So will I tell Emma that you're not coming for her when I see her next? ;)

9:24 PM  
Blogger mcdav said...

You touch her and I will gut you

1:40 PM  

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