Wednesday, August 16, 2006

High School Musical
Despite being the masculine type, I was recently exposed to a DVD titled, well, High School Musical. Generally a sceptic toward anything that contains the word "muscial" and intrigued (read "aroused") by anything containing "high school" I was, in a word, torn. Ultimately my cousin won the battle, and we watched the DVD.

Let me start by admitting that I did actually enjoy the movie. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen (Waterworld), but definitely doesn't rank up there with such classics as One Night in Paris, and the Un-named Debra Byrne Project. I'll go into that a little bit later.

Firstly, I thought back to those halcyon days of high school, and about the experiences I endured during this time. I think I can safely say that if anyone broke into song and dance, as they did in HSM, I would be leading the pack heading over there to beat the living fuck out of them. The girls dancing I can live with. The guys dancing... well that's a problem.

Then I thought about it a little more. I looked at the "stars" of the movie, in Vanessa Anne Hudgens and Ashley Tisdale. I then found myself envying the fact that these blokes were rubbing against, gyrating with and groping these lovely ladies. I again found myself torn between carrying on like a poofter, and getting amongst these chicks. Dilemma!

Which leads me to my question. As a male, would you sing and dance in a musical if it gave you the opportunity to get amongst either Exhibit A or ExhibitB? (please leave comments to explain your reasoning).Back to the movie. Well it was ok. If you ignore the singing and dancing, and the fact that the main bloke has the BIGGEST FUCKING EYEBROWS I'VE EVER SEEN, it's not a bad movie. There's no Tits OOT to speak of, but the female leads definitely have potential.
Overall I give it a 3.5 star rating out of 5. Not-Surprisingly, my cousin gave it 5 stars.

Anyway, that's all I've got tonight. I recommend you blokes watch this with your woman, it'll get you brownie points.

Next: Why Jesus loves me, despite everyone else thinking I'm a cunt.


Blogger bdodgey said...

Can't say that I've seen that one McD - although anything, I say ANYTHING, would have to be better than the Miami Vice movie.

Those girls do look nice though.

11:12 PM  
Blogger Pamela said...

The fact that you said that Ben proves you're a pedophile.

That movie hurt my brain. I've never seen anything so bloody Christian in my entire life. It was so insanely shit there are no words to describe, and I curse my mother for making me sit through it. *sigh*

11:31 PM  
Blogger mcdav said...

How do you figure Pam? Exhibit A is 18 in December. Exhibit B is 21. Both fair game according to my books.

Anyway, I thought it was good.

Ben - I wouldn't see Miami Vice if you paid me. I still to this day, believe that Jamie Foxx and Halle Berry are the worst actors to ever receive an Oscar.

8:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with a man singing and dancing. Especially if there is a karoke mike involved. When that happens, I'll sing and dance up a storm.

And unlike Ian Thorpe, I'm really not gay.

9:32 AM  
Blogger Gruff said...

I didn't hate the movie, but neither was i totally inspired. It was just ok.

Ben stop whinging about Miami Vice, it was you choice to go and see it and drag poor innocent bystanders along with you.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am keen to know more about the 'unnamed Debra Byrne project'. If it is the project I am thinking of, I am still looking to replace my copy after it went missing in a burglary.

As to a choice between A or B, it would have to be A. By a clear distance. B is not someone that I think of as being remotely attractive.

A is a stunner.

if you want more detailed comments, I think it would partly be that I prefer brunettes... But also the blonde's features look a bit ... odd. Perhaps they're disproportionate, or don't qutie fit as well together. I am not sure exactly how to put it into words, but one thing I am sure of. A is clearly my first choice.

3:22 PM  
Blogger mcdav said...

A is my preferred option too......

She'd scream

1:05 PM  

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