Sunday, May 21, 2006

Pearl Jam.... November 13 and 14.
I've had a few days to ponder how truly excited I am that Pearl Jam are finally coming back to Melbourne. Not since the Dave Matthews Band concerts of 2005 have I been so overwhelmingly pumped to go to a concert. Yipee.

But lets have a constructive look at the month of November, and the disaster it may well be shaping to become.

Friday, November 3rd - My first day of annual leave. This day will be spent at the gym and will include some Pilates and Yoga. I will also need to have a meditation session at some stage. Today will be the last time I have to mentally prepare myself, for what my body is about to endure.

Saturday, November 4th : Derby Day - Yum. This is the best day of the Spring Carnival. 120,000 people crammed into Flemington (most of them in the Pleb area... haha) enjoying the festivities. I intend to be spending this one in either the Rails or the Nursery. Regardless of where I am, alcohol will be consumed, money won, and an all round good time had. Yay for Derby Day.

Tuesday, November 7th : Cup Day - By Tuesday, the Hangover that will be my only memory of Derby Day will have subsided. Liver Punishment # 2 (insert cool name here) will begin at approximately 9:30am. Much like Derby day, the day will be spent in the Nursery or the Rails. There may be some "stealth" missions whereby I sneak into the Birdcage, however that will be determined at a later date. Alcohol will be present, and I will again tip the winner of the Cup. I am a hero.

Thursday, November 9th : Oaks Day - Dubbed by many as "blokes" day due to the plethora of stunners on display, I refer to Oaks Day as "Tits Ooot Thursday". There will be boobs, booze and a lot of perving. That is unless between now and then I find myself in a relationship. Then there will, of course, be no perving...... honest. By Thursday, its not about backing winners. My liver won't be giving a fuck how much I win. He'll be too worried about screaming out for more alcohol, the only thing that will be keeping it as a functioning organ. If I don't die on Tits Ooot Thursday, then I will be immortal after all.

Friday, November 10th - I will either be checking myself out of hospital or having a mate post bail.

Saturday, November 11th : Emirate Stakes - The day I will most likely get myself into the most trouble. Family Day. That means there will be girls under 18. And seriously, sometimes I have issues making the distinction between legal, and not legal. This isn't my fault. I just get a little inebriated, and then girls look older. Last year, well... nevermind. Thankfully on Stakes Day, if you are over 18 you have to wear a wristband. This is a new initiative which I think is incredibly important. We can't be having underage people getting drunk. That would be wrong. Someone PLEASE think of the children. Oh yeah, I'll be drunk and prolly will lose my wallet. There will be a pause for Rememberance.

Sunday, November 12th - If I wake up on this day, I haven't worked hard enough over the previous 7 days.

Monday, November 13th : Pearl Jam - Rod Laver Arena, 15,000 screaming fans.... and Ed.

Tuesday, November 14th : Pearl Jam - Reprise - See Above. Add to this the fact that I will be so pumped from the night before. My ex is coming to this concert with me...

So that's the month thus far. Then there's the fact that U2 will be announcing (very shortly) the dates of the Aussie Tour. Given that I am in possession of tickets to both concerts.... this month could get really messy.

Another update - went out for drinks on Friday night after work. Spoke to Canadian waitress who is a flirty little thing. She still hasn't called, so I think I'm crossing this one off my list. She's too much effort for my liking.

Apologies to the umpire (Avon or Hendrie, not sure) at the footy today too. When I called you an inbred c*nt who would be hated by his own AIDS riddled boyfriend, I may have been a little bit out of line. Of course his boyfriend loves him.

Fuck it, I'm going to bed.

Free Tibet.


Blogger bdodgey said...

Be sure to bring your spare liver with you.

I'd lend you mine, but I've already borrowed one from a friend of mine who doesn't drink.

Ok, that was a lie. I'd never be friends with someone who doesn't drink.

11:50 AM  
Blogger mcdav said...

I almost lost all respect I had for you... but thankfully you saved yourself there Ben. Lucky.

1:46 PM  
Blogger Gruff said...

While i appreciate the oppurtunity the races provide to get completely smashed as much as the next person, the disadvantage of living so close to the race course is that i then spend a week getting rid of all the morons who pass out on my front lawn.

7:52 PM  
Blogger mcdav said...

I tend to misplace my car, due to trying to move it to the reserved car park whilst inebriated... that's always fun

10:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where's the beef?

10:29 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And now show number 3!

2:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I want a free Tibet! Be farked if I'd pay for one.

5:55 PM  
Blogger mcdav said...

I am going to concert 3 now too... woot

I'd blog something but I am a) too tired b) too sad and c) fucking over canadian chicks

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop stalking me.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stop copying me

4:45 PM  
Blogger mcdav said...

your blog lacks creative genius.

8:22 PM  

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