Thursday, May 04, 2006

She's Not Messing With What Now?

Sometimes a song comes along that makes you think to yourself, "That is some meaningful shit!" Unfortunately that sort of comment is limited to a small selection of bands who actually have talent.

band (n) - a group of musical individuals that play music and sing songs for an audience. Each inidividual must bring something to the group of musicians, in that they play an instrument or can sing. A "band" does not describe a group of people manufactured and formed as one, because they look, sound and act in a homosexual nature. That is a group.

But back on topic. There appears to have been a massive increase in "rap crap" and other music of similar nature popping up on the radio these days. This is reaching pandemic proportions, as is somewhat worrying to real music lovers.

Kanye West is one of these individuals ruining the music industry, bringing such intellectual lyrics to us as "get down girl go head get down". Australian Radio is full of the tripe that he, and many others like him produce, making it near impossible for "real" artists to get any sort of air play. But that's ok, Triple J will save us. BABOW! Not true. I recall one Kanye West hit (and I am pissing myself laughing as I wrote hit!) titled Golddigger, making the top 20 of Triple J's Hottest 100. Ah yes.... Golddigger. What a song.

Does anyone actually know what this song is about? Ok, well he's talking about some chick he totally digged, or dug (I'm really new at this whack shit), and how she screwed him over. Or he's talking about the collective group of women around the world, who he believes he's had relations with, that have screwed him over. Or maybe its about a woman who was hired in the gold mines ahead of him (which would make sense, I doubt his CV would be much chop). Anyway, I understand its about chicks. I also understand that he needed Ray Charles or Jamie Foxx or WHOEVER to sell the song, because without it, the song had little going for it.

Ok, so I'm not a massive Kanye fan. When I found out he was supporting U2 I freaked. I'm talking "Packing heat, loading up a sniper rifle, and taking him out" freaked. But with the help of my mate Dubya, I grew to accept the idea. Lets get back to the real issue though.

In a world where political correctness is becoming a more pressing issue, the song had to be edited for radio. I'm all for that, except in the case of Green Day's Jesus of Suburbia, which should be played loud, proud and include full obscenities. We don't need those sort of words being bandied around the radio as though they are acceptable. Segregation was a very bad thing, and that's only scratching the surface. But Kanye, if you edit a song for radio, its gotta make sense.

But she aint messing with no broke, broke.

What the fuck? What is a BROKE BROKE? I sat there and played it over and over and over again ad nauseum in my head, and still I don't understand what the fuck a Broke Broke is. It sounds like something my 2 year old cousin would say after breaking a toy. Broke Broke. Worst of all, people get sucked in by it. If I hear anyone use the term Broke Broke out in the street, I will fair dinkum pop a cap in their ass. Kanye could at least have the decency to replace it with something else. Record another version radio friendly. Hell, even Eminem records copies of his music so Haley Jade can listen to it.

Broke Broke. What was wrong with Broke Fellaz, Broke Brothaz, Broke Wall Street Brokers for all I give a fuck. Take a leaf out of the book of James. Who? James! You know, the guy that sings that Laid song from all the American Pie movies? Yeah you do... think about it! This bed is on fire with passionate love, the neighbours complain about the noises above, but she only comes when she's on top. That song. Well have you heard the radio version of that song? They replace comes with sings. See... IT MAKES SENSE! Although it achieves little, because I still know what they mean. The song is called LAID people.

Anyway I think my point has been made. Pearl Jam Rocks, Dave Matthews Band are fantastic, and Kanye West likes the cock.



Blogger bdodgey said...

No doubt Kanye is a cock magnet.

I especially like how on the film clip, there's no attempt to even hide what he's actually saying when he says "broke broke"

One has to wonder if the extent you your creative genius extends to "oh crap, we've got to change this last line. I know - let's just say broke again, that'l save me some time"

Why do no talent bums have money?

1:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


That is all.

1:57 PM  
Blogger mcdav said...

Poor Wezzle

12:21 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love Laid, what a song.

7:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you'd be happy to know that kayne has a new cd out.

Late Orchestration... Live cd with orchestra.

i'd be happy to get you a copy! :P

9:58 AM  
Blogger mcdav said...

Why do I get the feeling anonymous is wezza....

11:58 AM  

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